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Hajimete (Beginner/JLPT N5)
Comprehensive Beginner Japanese Grammar (JLPT N5): What It is and What you can get? (2:29)
Frequently Asked Questions
How to learn effectively through the course?
Classroom vocabulary (3:09)
Warm Up: Are You Confident in Hiragana Pronunciation? (8:40)
Warm Up: Are You Confident in Katakana Pronunciation? (5:06)
Japanese Top 8 Particles
overview (1:07)
Using 'は (wa)' for 'is', 'am', 'was', 'were' (9:01)
Using 'も (mo)' for 'Also' and 'Too' (9:33)
Using 'の (no)' for 'of' and 's' (7:22)
Using 'を (wo)' to Indicate Direct Objects (5:56)
Using 'が (ga)' for New or Important Subjects (6:06)
Using 'に (ni)' for 'At' and 'To' (9:44)
Using 'へ (he)' to Show Direction (8:15)
Using 'で (de)' for 'In' and 'At' (11:09)
Japanese Particle Mini-Quiz (10:03)
What is the Difference Between the Particles で (de) and に (ni)? (11:31)
Japanese Particle List (PDF)
N5 Grammar Lesson 1(です、か、と、や、~ね/~よ)
Lesson 1 overview (0:57)
Saying "I am X." "I am nationality." and "My major is X." using desu/です." (8:46)
Make a Yes/No question using "ka/か" (4:18)
Learn the Two Functions of the Particle 'と (to)' (and/&) (10:27)
Using 'や (ya)' to List Examples: A and B (10:02)
Particles 'ね (ne)' and 'よ (yo)': Expressing Agreement and Emphasis (8:31)
Lesson 1 Learn and Pronounce N5 Vocabulary Together! (3:37)
N5 Grammar Lesson 2(~ませんか、~があります、います、ましょう、ましょうか、)
N5 Grammar Lesson 2 overview (1:00)
Using 'ませんか (masenka)': Invitations with 'Would you like to?' and 'Shall we?' (6:31)
があります (Ga Arimasu): There Is/Are for Non-Living Things (8:13)
がいます/gaimasu (to present a person or some other sentient being) (9:30)
ましょう (mashou): Expressing 'Let's do something' (8:05)
'ましょうか (mashouka)': 'Shall I?' or 'Shall we?' (6:36)
Lesson 2 Learn and pronounce together N5 vocabulary! (3:56)
N5 Grammar Lesson 3(~から、~にいく、ないでください、~のがすきです)
N5 Grammar Lesson 3 overview (0:48)
から/kara (because) (11:21)
にいく/niiku (go to do something purpose) (13:28)
ないでください/naidekudasai (Please do not do something) (12:04)
のがすきです/noga sukidesu ( like to do something) (8:29)
Lesson 3 Learn and pronounce together N5 vocabulary! (3:24)
N5 Grammar Lesson 4(~のがじょうずです、へたです、~ほうが~より、~のなかでいちばん、つもりです)
N5 Grammar Lesson 4 overview (0:53)
のがじょうずです/noga jyouzu desu (good at something skill) (5:17)
A のほうがBより/A nohouga B yori something (A is more something than B) (4:35)
なかでいちばん/naka de ichiban (10:13)
つもりです/tsumori desu (planning to do or intend to do something) (8:01)
Lesson 4 Learn and pronounce together N5 vocabulary! (3:49)
N5 Grammar Lesson 5(~く/~になる、stemたい~、たり~たり、~んです、~んですが)
N5 Grammar Lesson 5 overview (1:01)
くなる・になる/kunaru・ninaru (getting or to become) (7:44)
~たい/-tai (want to do something) (9:35)
(activity A)たり/tari (activity B)たりする/tari suru (do such things as A and B) (9:42)
んです/ndesu (The final expression) (6:47)
んですが/ndesuga (followed by a request, an invitation or an seeking permission) (6:47)
Lesson 5 Learn and pronounce together N5 vocabulary! (3:49)
N5 Grammar Lesson 6(~すぎる、~ほうがいい、~ので、~なくちゃいけない/なければいけません/なきゃいけません)
N5 Grammar Lesson 6 overview (0:59)
~すぎる/-sugiru ("too much" or "to excess") (8:01)
~たほうがいい/-tahouga ii (“it is better (for you) to do something…”) (9:17)
~ないほうがいい/-naihouga ii (“it is better (for you) NOT to do something…”) (5:29)
Noun +のほうがいい/Noun +nohouga ii (“Noun1 is better than Noun2) (8:21)
~ので/-node (because) (10:23)
~なくちゃいけない/-nakuchaikenai/なければいけません/-nakerebaikemasen/なきゃいけません/-nakyaikemasen (6:06)
~なくちゃいけない part 2 (5:35)
Lesson 6 Learn and pronounce together N5 vocabulary! (2:59)
What are the differences between ので and から? (1:03)
N5 Grammar Lesson 7(ことができます、私/わたしのしゅみは~ことです、~たことがあります、~でしょう、~でしょう?)
N5 Grammar Lesson 7 overview (1:02)
ことができます/koto ga dekimasu (can/ability to do something) (9:06)
わたしのしゅみは~ことです/watashi no shumi wa koto desu. (My hobby is...) (8:11)
~たことがあります/(ta-form)+kotoga arimasu. (have an experience of something) (8:02)
~でしょう/deshou (probably) (5:56)
~でしょう?/deshou? (a rising intonation to confirm the listener’s agreement) (5:36)
Lesson 7 Learn and pronounce together N5 vocabulary! (4:18)
Lesson 8 The conjugation rule of the verb て/te-form
When do you use te-form (1:54)
Group 1 (u-verbs)Te-form Conjugation..mp4- (3:27)
Group 2 (Ru-verbs) Te-form Conjugation..mp4- (1:21)
irregular verbs Te-form Conjugation..mp4- (1:32)
Let's practice てte-form (masu-form-dictionary form-te-form) with flash cards.mp4- (10:13)
Ru-ending verbs but Group 2 (Ru-verbs) (1:49)
N5 Grammar Lesson 9(~てください、~てもいいです、~てもいいですか、~てから)
N5 Grammar Lesson 9 overview (0:31)
~てください/tekudasai. (Please do … for me.) (7:33)
~てもいいです/temoiidesu. (You may do...) (5:41)
~てもいいですか/temo ii desuka. (May I do...?) (8:20)
~て(から)/te(kara) (combine two or more verbs. ) (7:20)
Lesson 9 Learn and pronounce together N5 vocabulary! (4:20)
N5 Grammar Lesson 10(~てはいけません、~ている、Nが~ています、まだ~ていません)
N5 Grammar Lesson 10 overview (0:47)
~てはいけません/tewaikemasen (You must NOT to do...) (7:41)
~ている/teiru (Part 1: Continuous action "is /are doing") (9:07)
Nが~ています/N ga verb-te imasu (describing situation) (9:32)
まだ~ていません/mada-teimasen. (have not … yet.) (7:18)
Lesson 10 Learn and pronounce together N5 vocabulary! (4:09)
N5 Grammar Lesson 11(~だろう、~まえに、~といっていました、けれども)
N5 Grammar Lesson 11 overview (0:43)
だろう/darou (probably; right? I guess; I wonder; I hope; don’t you agree?) (7:18)
Verb A まえに verb B/Verb A maeni verb B (B before A) (5:40)
といっていました/to itte imashita. (Somebody said that…/ Somebody said “direct quote”) (7:05)
けれども/keredomo (but; however; although) (14:17)
Lesson 11 Learn and pronounce together N5 Vocabulary (2:21)
N5 Grammar Lesson 12 The conjugation rule of the verb (polite form/masu form)
N5 Grammar Lesson 12 overview (1:37)
Top 10 Verbs (5:46)
How to make a simple sentence including the 10 verbs. (10:41)
The conjugation rule of the verb past formal (ましたmashita) (3:42)
The conjugation rule of the verb present negative formal (ませんmasen) (3:04)
The conjugation rule of the verb past negative formal (ませんでしたmasendeshita) (4:21)
Making a Yes/No question in Japanese in polite way (6:16)
N5 Grammar Lesson 12 Conjugation Chart (2:18)
N5 Grammar Lesson 13 different types of verb conjugation (casual)
N5 Grammar Lesson 13 overview (1:06)
Casual negative, short form negative (ないNai-form) (5:12)
Casual past, short form past (たTa-form) (6:10)
Casual past negative, short form negative past (なかったnakatta-form) (6:11)
Making a Yes/No question in Japanese in casual way (7:56)
N5 Grammar Lesson 13 Conjugation Chart (2:12)
N5 Grammar Lesson 14 The conjugation rule of Japanese adjectives
N5 Grammar Lesson 14 overview (1:13)
Introduction of Japanese Adjectives (5:26)
The conjugation rule of the い/i-adjective past tense (10:52)
The conjugation rule of the な/na-adjective past tense (9:07)
The conjugation rule of the い/i-adjective negative tense (10:13)
The conjugation rule of the な/na-adjective negative tense (8:24)
The conjugation rule of the い/i-adjective past negative tense (10:29)
The conjugation rule of the な/na-adjective past negative tense (9:23)
Grammar Exercise
Grammar Exercise
Lesson 3 Learn and pronounce together N5 vocabulary!
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