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Explore Japanese Food
overview of the course (1:38)
Supplemental materials (2:45)
Classroom vocabulary (3:09)
Japanese Tutor, Ayana Introduction/にほんごきょうし、あやなのじこしょうかい/nihongokyoushi, Ayana (1:15)
Lesson 1: 10 common Japanese phrases when eating
Thank you for the meal. (6:08)
Would you like XX? & No, thank you. (3:00)
Please pass the item. (2:05)
Here you are (2:11)
I am hungry and I am full. (3:40)
More food, please (1:37)
Adjective conjugation using "delicious" (2:37)
When to use です “ desu” and ください“kudasai”? (1:16)
Lesson 1: Summary (2:53)
Speaking Practice (1:33)
Let's try quiz (Lesson 1)!
Lesson 2: Expressing your preference
Lesson 2: Introduction (4:11)
I want to eat X. (1:54)
I do not want to X. (8:18)
Exercise (8:31)
I like X, I don't like X. (6:16)
Let's learn and pronounce together! (4:26)
Let's try quiz (Lesson 2)!
Lesson 3: Dietary restrictions
Introduction regarding "vegan" or "vegetarian" food in Japan (1:49)
Telling staff "I am allergic" (2:25)
Telling staff "I CAN NOT eat X (specific type of food/ingredients. )" (1:42)
Vocabulary -The 10 most common food allergies- (2:37)
Asking "Does it contain X?" (1:30)
Telling staff "I am a vegetarian or vegan" (2:13)
Asking "Can I have this without (food)?" (3:54)
It's okay (0:35)
Speaking practice (0:59)
Food terminology (3:38)
Recommended Japanese foods for vegetarian. (1:36)
Let's try quiz (Lesson 3)!
Q and A -Lesson 3-
Lesson 4: Ordering food and drinks at a restaurant
Lesson 4: Introduction (0:46)
Entering a restaurant (2:54)
Telling how many of you there are & Let's learn how to count people in Japanese! (4:14)
Asking for something with onegaishimasu/おねがいします (3:02)
I'm sorry, we don't have an English menu. (2:20)
Water please and check please (1:55)
Leaving a restaurant (2:08)
Vocabulary -Restaurant- (4:48)
Let's try quiz (Lesson 4)!
Lesson 5: Ordering fast-food
Lesson 5: Introduction (0:31)
Take out ordering (Have here or take out, please) (3:01)
"Would you like to look at the English menu? " and "English menu, please" (0:38)
Let's order drink and food! and list of drinks (2:23)
Ordering drink/food with numbers (2:10)
Common questions or messages at fast food restaurants (5:09)
Vocabulary -Fast food restaurant- (0:49)
Let's practice phrases -Fast food restaurant- (3:16)
Let's try quiz (Lesson 5)!
Lesson 6: Making requests
Grammar point "Polite request" (1:42)
Examples such as "Please show me the menu" etc (8:42)
Vocabulary -Making requests- (2:28)
Let's try quiz (Lesson 6)!
Lesson 7 : Japanese adjectives to describe taste
Let's pronounce 9 adjectives (2:28)
Example sentences (4:04)
Let's try quiz (Lesson 7)!
Lesson 8: What to eat in Japan -culinary experience-
Lesson 8: Introduction (0:27)
You should try No1. (9:19)
Four basic Ramen types (4:02)
What is Okonomiyaki? (7:38)
Where to eat Takoyaki? (2:57)
Making Takoyaki (10:09)
Where to eat Gyudon? (2:29)
Sukiyaki (5:44)
Other Japanese dishes' name (2:27)
Let's try quiz (Lesson 8)!
Q and A -Lesson 8-
Lesson 9: Let’s learn a short dialogue at a Japanese restaurant!
Some questions which you will be asked (11:15)
Let’s learn ordering phrases. (11:35)
Let's try quiz (Lesson 9)!
Lesson 10: Japanese Food came from foreign foods.
Lesson 10: Introduction (1:08)
Lesson 10 (Part 1) (10:06)
Lesson 10 (Part 2) (11:29)
Lesson 10 (Part 3) (11:34)
Learn and pronounce together Lesson 10 vocabulary! (4:32)
Let's try quiz (Lesson 10)!
Lesson 11: Let's explore food map -Signature Food in Japan (名産品)-
Introduction (1:07)
On the map (5:10)
Kanji characters (3:53)
Hokkaido/ほっかいどう(北海道) (6:14)
Akita/あきた(秋田) (5:08)
Tokyo/とうきょう(東京) (5:28)
Shizuoka/しずおか(静岡) (4:42)
Kyouto/きょうと(京都) (5:52)
Oosaka/おおさか(大阪) (3:51)
Hyogo/ひょうご(兵庫) (6:25)
Hiroshima/ひろしま(広島) (4:51)
Kagawa/かがわ(香川) (2:48)
Fukuoka/ふくおか(福岡) (4:19)
Okinawa/おきなわ(沖縄) (5:15)
Learn and pronounce together Lesson 11 vocabulary! (1:42)
Let's try quiz (Lesson 11)!
Lesson 12: Let's learn 20 key ingredients for Japanese cuisine from Ayana's pantry.
Liquids (4:59)
Ingredients part 1 (5:55)
Ingredients part 2 (3:24)
Ingredients part 3 (4:04)
Ingredients part 4 (4:23)
Ingredients part 5 (6:04)
Learn and pronounce together Lesson 12 vocabulary! (1:44)
Let's try quiz (Lesson 12)!
Supplemental materials
Explore Japanese food - my wish list & Japanese sentences note-.pdf
Explore Japanese food - my wish list & Japanese sentences note-.pdf
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